The major ones of the zodiac in retrograde, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter, this is official: no questions about seeing through sensitive issues as long as the ongoing problems aren’t settled. Without leaning on denial, the sky shall offer another vision on life, and it’ll depend on each person to identify with this and intensify it further.
Influence the process
Nothing but questions in terms of the future and the way of planning out one’s everyday life, come September! A need to feel secure with a mechanical routine, to avoid questioning on the potential daily hitches. Especially since Mercury in Libra won’t be reassuring with its abrupt changes, its way of expressing certainties, while hiding behind uncertainties.
A philosophy of life
The good news being that Mercury will have a knack at sweetening the pot in a context which is tense at times but nonetheless keen on finding a common ground, in the absence of getting rid of misunderstandings. In October, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn will stay put and this will help see things clearly or take a more stated path, to achieve one’s goals.
Hope for renewal
By resuming the forward march, Jupiter and Saturn in October will suggest thinking about the options to implement for the future, without any taboos. Modifications, changes, a different vision on one’s goals, future. One will suddenly come across change, subtle for others but definitely present, with its convictions and disillusions but will certainly give hope for an obvious desire to believe, along with Mars in Scorpio during November.
Secure love
Under the rebellious sky, which shall question each one about their personal life, Mercury in Libra will keep inflicting love, right until it wins the case. Mars and Venus will agree at times and other times step up, to express their desires. What one should learn from this Autumn is that, love has to offer happiness to everyone.