A change of scene caused by the Sun in Gemini

On May 21, 2022, Sun will begin its journey in Gemini, bringing a will to express himself, his talent to communicate. It will stay there until June 21, 2022. As an Air sign, it will mark its passage by the desire to iron out difficulties and be free as a bird.

Happy rewards

Sun will begin its journey in Gemini by forming a conjunction to Mercury. This invigorating transit will open doors for transactions and negotiations. Its retrograde will have an impact on relationships. It will generate stress and nervousness, creating difficulties in communication and transportation. As of May 21, Sun will form a sextile with Jupiter in Aries, supporting the most innovative projects, allowing the broadening of horizons. On May 24, Mercury will retrograde in Taurus and will not have a say in certain matters. Before thinking about vacations and festivities, there will be things to deal with on both the professional and the money side. On the 25th, Mars will be in Aries, in a hurry to accelerate the pace, even if it means slamming your fist on the table and making a fuss. On the 28th, Venus entering Taurus will be languorous and greedy and will militate for peace by practicing a zen-attitude. On the 30th, the New Moon in Gemini will herald a period of renewal.

A boost in confidence

On June 5, Saturn will turn around in Aquarius, freezing the progress of projects and situations. Everything will not be at a standstill, but it will be necessary to be patient. It will allow you to revisit past events that have not been resolved yet. On June 12, the Venus/Uranus conjunction will come at the right time to talk about love and leave unpleasant subjects in the closet, at least for a night or more if you are inclined. On June 13, when Mercury returns to Gemini, it will use all the oratorical talents to do whatever it wants. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 14 will confirm the need to break free from preconceived ideas. Traveling, even of the mind, will shape youth and bring new life. This cycle of the Sun in Gemini will end under the vibrations of the Venus/Neptune sextile, creator of peace and love.