Explosive climate with the Mars/Uranus sextile

On April 29, 2023 at 10:05 pm Paris time, Mars will enter a sextile to Uranus. The effects of this sextile will last until May 5. First of all, it is important to be aware that although the sextile aspect is generally considered as conciliatory, it takes place between two planets in fall, i.e. in signs, Cancer for Mars and Taurus for Uranus where their energy is as if opposed. Uranus in Taurus has been acting for several years now in order to shake up our habits and make us get out of our comfort zone, while Mars in Cancer tends rather to exacerbate our emotions, to make us more sensitive, more irritable. Thus, during this sextile we can expect to overreact to what our loved ones tell us, leading to arguments and conflicts at home and at work. On another level, this configuration could incite some of us to spend our money in an unconsidered way to the point of creating financial difficulties. It is also possible that these expenses are due to unforeseen events at home.

The most concerned signs

Taurus and Cancer natives will be the most affected by this planetary aspect. The former, having to deal with a certain amount of professional pressure, will tend to express their discontent once they get home… and to « benefit » their loved ones. The latter could well fall out with colleagues, friends or even enter into conflict with one of their children who may have done something stupid. Other signs may feel the effects of this sextile in a lesser way. Scorpios and Capricorns, for example, may have to question themselves deeply if they want to preserve their relationship. Virgoans and Pisces natives could also find themselves in the midst of a love turmoil. Their partner could be in doubt and question their relationship.

A people who protest

In terms of world astrology, Uranus in Taurus still represents the economic and banking crisis in which the world is immersed since 2019 when it started transiting this sign. Mars, on the other hand, is a planet of struggle. In the sign of Cancer, it represents movements of protest and revolt on the part of the population against its rulers, but also of emerging countries against the so-called rich countries. These could be revived around April 29. If we observe this sextile in the light of the astral chart of the 5th Republic, we can see that Mars is in the 5th house, related to the youth of a country, its artists or teachers. Uranus, ruler of the 12th house (trials) is in the 2nd house, that of finances. Here again we find this notion of revolt, coming for France from its youth, from the world of entertainment and tourism or from the national education.