New Moon of February 20: A fresh start!

The New Moon of February 20, 2023 will diffuse its energies at 8:06 am Paris time at 1°22 in Pisces. It will be a Super Moon intensifying the vibrations and aspects of the astrological sky. Its major aspect will be its conjunction to Saturn auguring a period of chilliness, but also of responsibility while Neptune in conjunction to Venus will offer its softness to smooth out difficulties.

A point to leave with confidence

In Pisces, this New Moon will offer few aspects to the other planets. In the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, it will invite you to take care of yourself in order to finish this cycle and to approach the next one with confidence at the New Moon on March 20 in Aries. It won’t be spring yet, but it will be time to prepare for it by throwing off your clothes, applying a deep mental and physical exfoliation and getting a new look. It will be time to settle unfinished business, to try to reconcile with your family or in the broader sense of relationships, always with the idea of starting off on the right foot. This will be the subject of this Lunation, since the Moon will form a conjunction with Saturn, but in two different signs. This aspect will be a sign of a lack of confidence, of fear of the future, and food issues will provoke questions that will demand answers. In Aquarius, Saturn will point to the transmission of food chains, of energy, while the Moon in Pisces will try to find positive solutions by focusing on renewal. There will be a tug-of-war between old-fashioned methods and new ones whose impact is not yet known, with a promising outlook. Its semi-sextile to Venus will insist on the importance of solidarity and its power to carry out his projects.

A decisive choice

During this Super Moon, Venus in Pisces in conjunction with Neptune will have a message to convey before traveling to Aries and will pleasantly influence the questioning atmosphere by proposing to make peace within oneself, with one’s loved ones, to find common ground in order to project oneself with a little more serenity into the future. It will also form a sextile to Pluto, placing feelings and heart issues at the center of your concerns, which will do a lot of good for your heart and your morale. Mars in sextile to Pluto will continue to play the troublemaker in a warlike and combative way, generating power struggles that will wear on everyone’s morale. Mercury will play an important role, for while it will shake up certainties and conventions through its square to Uranus, it will bring new solutions through its trine to Mars. Jupiter, in good position in the middle of this trine, will propose amicable agreements, even if it will be necessary to sit at the negotiation table for longer than expected, but the result will be worth the effort, as long as everyone puts in their best effort.