Jupiter, your ruling planet, is still in your Sign where you will be protected from the temptation to go overboard or to overextend yourself. Excesses are part of the picture but don’t take unnecessary risks. Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn where they’ll have a strong impact on your values and beliefs!
Venus enters Aquarius
With Venus in Aquarius from March 1st, you could experience change in your tastes and activities. You’ll be inspired by novelty and unconventional trends. You could feel a connection with your siblings but that isn’t a guarantee for harmony. More contacts with neighbors!
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
From March 5th to the 28th Mercury will retrograde in Pisces, accompanied with unavoidable tension and misunderstanding within your house. Don’t ignore them but don’t make any decisions you could regret later. This will soon pass before you’ll be able to see improvements!
Uranus enters Taurus
Uranus is leaving the impetuous Aries for the placid Taurus on March 6th, this will have a great impact on society. You might want to move away from town or do something totally unexpected. Being in nature will be seem appealing, a strong connection will ensure more often than not!
New Moon 16o Pisces
The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th, could be a good opportunity to work on issues you have with a member of your family. If you have been looking for a new flat or house, it would be better to postpone any dealings until April. Something could go awry!
Sun enters Aries
When the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, you might find yourself restless with excitement. You’d better get organized and back to your favorite sport or physical activity. You need some exercise with Spring coming, because you won’t be a pleasant person to be around if you are frustrated!
Full Moon 0o Libra
The Full Moon in Libra on March 21st, can be a time of celebration with your friends. Your social life will pick up, possibly sharing a project with some of them. If you have been stressed and exhausted, you will appreciate the break, especially if there has been tension in your life!
Mercury Direct in Pisces
When Mercury goes Direct again on March 28th, you will really appreciate the change at home. Life will seem so easy after the chaotic times you might have been going through lately. Your insecurities, doubts and fears will vanish, leaving you stronger and more determined!
Mars enters Gemini
As Mars leaves Taurus to enter Gemini on March 30th you can expect some power plays in your partnerships. You will be more talkative than ever but you should avoid being blunt, if you don’t want people to rebel or to stay away from you. Be patient and more diplomate if you want to keep friends!