You could face challenging times with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. But Jupiter in Sagittarius encourages traveling and will protect you abroad. You could be inspired by a beautiful, spiritual and dreamy romance. A new passion could begin. You will focus on your children!
Venus enters Aquarius
With Venus in Aquarius from March 1st, you will surely favor friendships. You might realize that one of your friends is becoming more important, that you want to spend more time together. You could even share a home project, such as building or renovating a house. Think outside the box!
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
From March 5th to March 28th, Mercury is going backwards in Pisces so don’t make any commitments during these 3 weeks. Everything will be slow this won’t be a time for launching a new venture or project. Take the opportunity to revisit the past and make necessary corrections before going ahead!
Uranus enters Taurus
With Uranus in Taurus from March 6th, you shouldn’t expect too much stability in your partnerships. You might discover that you don’t look for the same kind of relationship. With Mars in Taurus this will help you to get what you want and need right now. Don’t make promises you can’t keep!
New Moon 16o Pisces
The New Moon in Pisces on March 6th, could bring a renewal of interest in the matters of the heart. You’ll experience passion again with someone or something that makes you feel great! It could be tricky though, if it’s a new adventure, as Mercury retrogrades, an old flame may return!
Sun enters Aries
The Sun enters Aries on March 20th, and you’re going to find yourself very busy but you won’t mind. Don’t expect things to be easy you will surely experience some delays bringing on frustration. Get ready for April, there’s much more positivity ahead!
Full Moon 0o Libra
The Full Moon in Libra on March 21st, will bring important insight into your partnerships. Either private or professional, you will need to get to the bottom of the issue before going ahead. You might realize that your position and your expectations have completely changed!
Mercury Direct in Pisces
As Mercury is Direct again in Pisces on March 28th your daily life will become much more flexible with more freedom of movement. Communication with children will improve. A dream could turn into reality leaving you thrilled!
Mars enters Gemini
As soon as Mars leaves Taurus to enter Gemini on March 30th, you’ll start to feel more relaxed. Tensions will disappear and the general climate will improve. Less stress, less obligations and responsibilities! You’ll catch up with friends and go for short trips again after a time of hard work and loneliness!