Sun in Aquarius in 2023: Delay and excitement in the air

From February 20 to March 19, 2023, the Sun will transit Aquarius. In this Air sign, it will reinforce the action of Mars in Gemini and the enthusiasm of Jupiter in Aries in order to give a new lease on life or to offer the opportunity to start afresh.

A new motivation

As the Sun enters Aquarius, it will be hopeful, but also very clear about its possibilities, and for good reason. From February 20 to 25, the Venus/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius could dampen the mood and ardor, reminding us of the importance of finances in projects and transactions. The feeling of having to rely solely on oneself will be heightened and this transit will bring about a feeling of isolation or frustration. As for love, it may be absent. On January 23, 2023, Uranus will resume its forward motion, signifying its willingness to be active in the field whenever the opportunity arises. On January 26, the Sun/Jupiter sextile will find the right path to success thanks to its capacity for initiative. On January 27, Venus will enter Pisces, but will not have much influence at first, even if it will give off a sweet perfume to calm down the sometimes overheated spirits with an irritated Mars in Gemini, not very willing to let it go.

Opening to be seized

On January 30, 2023, the Mercury/Uranus trine will show good will and maintain the dialogue to move towards a beneficial change. You will have to take advantage of this positive dynamic, because on February 5, during the Full Moon in Leo, Uranus will show its disagreement. If agreements are based on quicksand, the first gust of wind will blow them away. Especially since the Mars/Venus square will get involved in the conversation, blurring the lines rightly or wrongly, depending on its position. The Mercury/Pluto conjunction on February 10 will put priorities back at the heart of the debate so as not to get bogged down further. Entering Aquarius on February 11, Mercury will regain his communication skills and will not hesitate to use all the means at his disposal and will expand his network in order to show the extent of his power and knowledge. With such a deployment, bad stories will open a new chapter towards concessions and partnerships.

A cocoon of softness

As of February 13, Venus will form a conjunction with Neptune, which will make for a very romantic Valentine’s Day and the desire to walk hand in hand with your loved one. This aspect will favor reconciliation, the path of forgiveness and the healing of emotional relationships that have been abused in the past. The desire to distance oneself from toxic relationships and the aggressiveness of the world in order to devote oneself to one’s private sphere by surrounding it with a bubble of love and protection in a spirit of solidarity will be very strong. On February 18, 2023, the Mercury/Jupiter sextile will reach out and take the microphone to express his satisfaction in bringing his project to fruition.