The Full Moon of August 12 opens a gap in your future

The Full Moon of August 12, 2022 will form at 3:36 am CET at 19°22 in Aquarius. It will open the way to the future with innovative concepts, a desire to stand out, will strengthen determination, but will require extra time to act under its conjunction to Saturn.

Releasing yourself from the past

The Full Moon in Aquarius is often a step ahead of the game because of its ability to anticipate events. Under its influence, everyone wants to move forward as they please, because it is a champion of the relational domain, the aim is to be free from any thoughts, as but also of action. The main concern is not to get bogged down by details, preventing oneself to anticipate with good humor with a certain idealism when it comes to the future. Its conjunction to Saturn could decide otherwise, as this aspect requires a good dose of realism and self-discipline. It also evokes points of decided desired or imposed restrictions. You may feel the need to give yourself space and time to put your life, your soul, and your heart in order. This Full Moon forms a square with Uranus, calling into question what has been achieved, because certain ways of functioning will turn out to be obsolete and it will become urgent to find solutions that are more in line with the present time or in one’s usual environment. Taurus is by nature a predictable sign, not very fond of changing its habits, so there is a risk of standing still, hesitating between going forward and going backwards. Sun in Leo will form a square with Uranus and an opposition with Leo, strongly suggesting that one should be careful with one’s nerves and grounding, as reactions will sometimes be strong, even excessive, due to the difficulty in dealing with emotions and discontent.

Support and bonuses to be seized

Uranus, the ruler of this Full Moon, since it is in control of Aquarius, will form a trine with Mercury in the Earth sign. This is a good time to be cautious about getting involved in projects or negotiations. This lunar sky is still under the vibrations of the Saturn/Uranus square, with its difficulties in tuning the values of the past and the future. Its bridge is the present, but some may find it rather tough to walk serenely on it. Another important ally is the Mars/Pluto trine, also in the sign of Earth. This duo presents an unfailing determination, an undeniable moral strength to take one’s destiny and life in hand, without being discouraged by difficulties. Jupiter retrograde will be a guard against any excess or hasty enthusiasm. On this same day, Venus will enter Leo, detaching from its opposition to Pluto, offering its customary generosity of heart to love stories. This is a good transit. It creates a recreational, festive, warm, joyful, and dynamic atmosphere. It favors love encounters, warms up ardors and welds couples together.

This Full Moon will offer everyone the opportunity to connect with their creativity, to develop their skills while rubbing shoulders with the reality of the field.