The Guardian Angels are considered as Messengers of God. There are 72 Guardian Angels. They are devoted to a specific person, group or country and they bring protection when one is facing a danger or significant stress. Every human being has at least one Guardian Angel, to guide him along his life. We can trace the Guardian Angel belief throughout history. We can find them in Christianity, Judaism and the Islamic religion as well. They have been assigned to each of us so that we keep away from sin and sorrow. They are supposed to carry God’s love and care. They protect us from negativity and should be a source of inspiration. Being in touch with them, talking to them on a regular basis will intensify their support and their efficiency. One needs to call upon them, in order to be answered and blessed!
Who are your Guardian Angels?
Professors Kaya and Christiane Muller in “The book of Angels, The Hidden Secrets”, can identify and tell who your Guardian Angels are, according to your date, day and time of birth. They think that we have 3 Guardian Angels. The first Guardian Angel is linked to our body and our actions. The second one to our emotions and our feelings. The third one will make an impact on your thinking. Let’s try their formula for a baby born 2018/01/07 at 1.11 AM.
According to their calculations, the baby is under the protection of:
-58 Yeialel Physical FIRST Guardian Angel
Calms cerebral activity, helps concentration, fights manipulation and stubbornness.
– 71 Haiaiel Emotional SECOND Guardian Angel
Brings divine protection to make right decisions at the right time. Protects from betrayal.
– 4 Elemiah Intellectual THIRD Guardian Angel
Helps against pessimism and turmoil. Encourages positive thinking and good will.
Here are the 72 Guardian Angels that guide and protect our life:
1 Vehuiah
2 Jeliel
3 Sitael
4 Elemiah
5 Mahasiah
6 Lelahel
7 Achaiah
8 Cahetel
9 Haziel
10 Aladiah
11 Lauviah
12 Hahaiah
13 Iezalel
14 Mebahel
15 Hariel
16 Hekamiah
17 Lauviah
18 Caliel
19 Leuviah
20 Pahaliah
21 Nelkhael
22 Yeiayel
23 Melahel
24 Haheuiah
25 Nith-Haiah
26 Haaiah
27 Yerathel
28 Seheiah
29 Reiyel
30 Omael
31 Lecabel
32 Vasariah
33 Yehuiah
34 Lehahiah
35 Chavakhiah
36 Menadel
37 Aniel
38 Haamiah
39 Rehael
40 Ieiazel
41 Hahahel
42 Mikael
43 Veuliah
44 Yelahiah
45 Sealiah
46 Ariel
47 Asaliah
48 Mihael
49 Vehuel
50 Daniel
51 Hahasiah
52 Imamiah
53 Nanael
54 Nithael
55 Mebahiah
56 Poyel
57 Nemamiah
58 Yeialel
59 Harahel
60 Mitzrael
61 Umabel
62 Iahhel
63 Anauel
64 Mehiel
65 Damabiah
66 Manakel
67 Eyael
68 Habuhiah
69 Rochel
70 Jabamiah
71 Haiaiel
72 Mumiah