The signs and the psychology of the Big Five

Astrology and modern psychology offer different perspectives on human personality. While astrology is based on zodiac signs to define character traits, modern psychology uses the model of the Big Five, also known as the five major personality factors. In this article, we will explore how these two approaches intersect and how each zodiac sign can be associated with certain personality traits in accordance with the Big Five model.


The first personality factor of the Big Five is extraversion. It concerns the tendency to be sociable, active, and energetic. According to astrology, some zodiac signs are naturally more extraverted than others. For example, Geminis and Leos are often considered extraverted. They enjoy interacting with others, are communicative, and seek company. From an astrological perspective, these signs are associated with extraverted traits.


The second factor of the Big Five is agreeableness, which assesses how compassionate, friendly, and cooperative a person is. Zodiac signs can also be linked to varying levels of agreeableness. Cancers, for example, are often seen as compassionate and considerate, which corresponds to agreeableness traits. They are attentive to others’ needs and seek to create affectionate bonds.


The third factor is conscientiousness, measuring responsibility, organization, and discipline. Zodiac signs can show variations in this area. Capricorns are often associated with conscientiousness, as they are disciplined and goal-oriented. They are known for their sense of responsibility and determination to achieve their goals.

Emotional stability

The fourth factor is emotional stability, evaluating the tendency towards anxiety, depression, and nervousness. In astrology, differences can be observed between zodiac signs regarding their emotional stability. Pisces, for instance, are often considered sensitive and intuitive, which can make them more prone to emotional instability. However, it’s important to note that the influence of planets in the birth chart can also play a significant role.

Openness to experience

The fifth factor is openness to experience, measuring creativity, curiosity, and the willingness to explore new ideas. Certain astrological characteristics can be associated with openness to experience. Aquarians, for example, are often seen as original and innovative. They are open to exploring new ideas and experimentation.

It is important to note that astrology and the Big Five model are two different approaches to understanding personality, and each has its advantages and limitations. Astrology relies on the belief in the influence of planets and zodiac signs, while the Big Five model is based on empirical research in psychology.

Ultimately, there is no absolute consensus on how zodiac signs correspond to the five major personality factors. Individuals are unique, and many factors, including upbringing, environment, and life experiences, influence personality.

A Complementary Perspective

Astrology and the Big Five model are two ways of understanding human personality, and they can offer complementary perspectives. Certain personality traits may be associated with zodiac signs, but it’s important to recognize that personality is complex and multifaceted.

Ultimately, whether you use astrology, modern psychology, or both to explore your personality, the goal is to better understand yourself and improve your self-awareness. Zodiac signs can provide interesting insights into your character traits, but they do not fully define who you are.