Kinesiology (Kin-easy-ology) is a type of therapy that uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to look at imbalances that cause disease in the body. The body has innate healing energy and can care for itself, but sometimes it needs assistance. Kinesiology is not used to diagnose disorders, but it can detect and correct imbalances.
History of Kinesiology
Kinesiology was developed in the 60’s by Dr George Goodheart DC., a chiropractor. He discovered the relationship between Chinese meridians and muscle groups, organs, and glands in the body.
By testing the resistance of a muscle when a small amount of pressure is applied to it, weaknesses and imbalances in its corresponding meridian could be distinguished. The technique was developed into the system of Kinesiology known as Applied Kinesiology.
In reducing stress and pain, Kinesiology improves performance in different areas of life such as work, study, relationship, rehabilitation and many more.
Kinesiology promotes health and wellbeing.
Kinesiology is a non-invasive method, using muscle feedback and body awareness that can access the inner knowing.
Kinesiology is the science of energy balancing.
Kinesiology can enhance learning process.
Kinesiology can make positive changes to your health as it can determine what triggers allergic reaction.
How Does It Work?
The energy flow can be evaluated by testing the the muscles functions.
The patient stands erect, one arm relaxed, the other arm parallel to the floor, with their elbow straight. The practitioner places his hand above the wrist of the extended arm and asks the subject to resist the downward force that he exerts. This process is repeated while the patient thinks about the part of the body being tested. A weakened arm response is an indicator of energy blockages.
When there are blocks or stresses preventing energetic transmission, there is a malfunctioning in the body. Kinesiology identifies the cause of the malfunction that can be nutritional, emotional, structural, mental or else, and then resolves it. Kinesiology relies on the muscle feedback system to tell why the body isn’t functioning properly. Kinesiology has close links with Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (concept of energy flow and meridians).
Kinesiology, as a career
If you’re interested in promoting health and fitness, sports management, teaching PE, exercise and rehabilitation science or coaching, and if you want to pursue a professional degree in health fields, Kinesiology can be an option. A career in a Kinesiology related profession is fun, interesting and rewarding.
It includes, exercise science, sports management, athletic training and sports medicine, socio-cultural analyses of sports, sport education, and pre-professional training for physical therapy, occupational therapy, medicine and other health related fields.