Mercury retrograde in Leo

Attention all astrology fans! From August 15 to September 9, 2024, Mercury, the planet of communication, will make a spectacular retrograde turn in the flamboyant sign of Leo. This much-feared and fascinating astrological phenomenon promises to put our lives in the spotlight in unexpected ways. As this period promises to be a colorful one, let’s discover together how best to navigate these sometimes tumultuous waters! And to find out what Mercury retrograde has in store for your sign, consult your daily horoscope!

What is Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury retrograde is a phenomenon that occurs when, seen from Earth, Mercury appears to move backwards in the sky. Although an optical illusion, astrology attributes very real effects to these periods on our communication, understanding and technology. Usually, these periods are marked by misunderstandings, delays, technological problems and setbacks. But when Mercury retrogrades into Leo, the sign of drama, creative expression and leadership, things take a decidedly more dramatic turn!

Spotlight on your personal life

From August 15 to September 9, get ready for your personal interactions to be more intense than ever. Leo, a fixed fire sign, is known for its desire to be in the spotlight. With Mercury retrograde in this sign, expect the people around you (including yourself) to have a strong tendency to want to shine and be the center of attention. This can manifest itself in a heightened need for recognition, dramatization of situations or even grandiose gestures to capture the admiration of others.

Communication: Flamboyant or frictionless?

During this period, the way we communicate our ideas and feelings may become more theatrical. The need to express our opinions in a grandiose way could not only make us more susceptible to misunderstanding, but also provoke confrontation. It’s crucial to take a step back before responding during this phase, especially in emotionally charged discussions. Use this energy to channel your creativity into artistic projects or impactful presentations, rather than arguments.


  1. Check your communications: Be doubly vigilant with your e-mails, messages and conversations. Reread everything before you press « send ».
  1. Express yourself creatively: Use Leo’s dramatic energy to launch yourself into creative projects. This is the perfect time to restart that blog, script or design you’ve been putting off.
  2. Keep calm: With everyone eager to shine, tensions can rise quickly. Take a moment to breathe deeply before reacting.
  3. Think about your need for recognition: does your desire to be in the spotlight serve you well? Or could it be toned down a bit for the sake of your relationships?

In conclusion

Mercury retrograde in Leo promises to bring us a period full of passion, creativity and, yes, a little drama. By becoming aware of these influences and adjusting our sails accordingly, we can transform what could be a tumultuous journey into a vibrant celebration of what makes us unique. Get ready to shine, but don’t forget to turn on the light for others too!