A bit of history
After years of research, the astrologer Jim Lewis developed in 1970 what is actually called astrocartography. The lines drawn on the map show the places where planets conjunct the house cusps, enabling us to see where in the world, our needs are best suited.
How does it work?
A Relocation report describes the astrological influences of any locality on the planet. It can be referred to in cases like business traveling, holidaying, looking for a retirement place or relocating. It can provide valuable insights regarding the potential of one place. It will tell you if you are going to benefit from this location or if you are going to face more challenges and troubles. It can therefore determine the best places to live on the planet and highlight its strengths and weaknesses.
Even if the planets occupy the same position, the houses will change. The Ascendant (Asc), the IC (4th house) and the Midheaven (10th house) are most important in a Relocation chart and the aspects will show the emphasis of such a place. It offers another way to explore your potential, in various places. Conjunctions with the Relocated Ascendant and the Relocated Midheaven are the most powerful transits.
Exploring the lines
Sun/Asc: good place to live and work. Vitality. Popularity. Sun/MC: career opportunities. Sun/IC: comfortable and stylish house.
Moon/Asc: all good or too emotional. Moon/MC: Popularity and fame. Moon/IC: best place for family home
Mercury/Asc: increased communication, new contacts. Mercury/IC: teaching. Mercury/IC: work from home
Venus/Asc: stimulating social life. Venus/MC: good for beauty business. Venus/IC: beautiful and comfortable house.
Mars/Asc: tact needed, impulsive behavior. Mars/MC: pioneer and adventurous spirit.
Mars/IC: to be avoided for relaxing holidays.
Jupiter/Asc: excessive optimism. Jupiter/MC: prosperity for business. Jupiter/IC: excellent location for retirement.
Saturn/Asc: Hard work and conditions. Saturn/MC: too heavy responsibilities. Saturn/IC: well-earned peace in family home.
Uranus/Asc: keeping the status quo is better. Uranus/MC: unexpected changes in career.
Uranus/IC: new lifestyle, different from what was expected.
Neptune/Asc: possible disappointment after glamorized view. Neptune/MC: security, confusion, dreaminess’. Neptune/IC: need for peace and silence.
Pluto/Asc: self-analysis and inner strength. Pluto/MC: power struggles. Pluto/IC: avoid depressive thoughts.
A few tips if you are looking for:
– Romance and love, you would look for locations where Venus is conjunct the 7th house cusp.
– Career opportunities, you would look for locations where Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct the 10th house cusp. Beware that Mars challenging aspects to the MC indicate potential power games with colleagues and co-workers.
– Retirement place, you would look for locations where Jupiter is conjunct IC.
There is a lot more to discover using this technique and you can start looking for good holidays destinations!