Sun in Cancer, summer solstice, a step forward

On June 21, 2022, the Sun will leave the effervescence of Gemini to focus on the interiority of Cancer. With the summer solstice bringing a dynamic of renewal, this sign of fertile waters will incline towards action, driven by an outgoing, enterprising and bold Jupiter in Aries. It will also spread its rays of gentleness for the well-being of the heart.

A great spring

The Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Aries forming a square to the Sun will mark the sky this summer solstice. This transit in cardinal signs will show his displeasure outright and he will be determined to overthrow obstacles if they get in his way. He will not be the type to shut himself up in his shell and wait for the storm to pass. But he will also bring the motivation to get started on a project. On June 23, Venus will enter Gemini, bringing a breath of fresh air to romantic relationships in a Water and Fire context that is certainly passionate, but emotionally taxing. On June 29, the New Moon in Cancer will be synonymous with appeasement. More sensitive, its energies will allow you to draw the necessary resources from within yourself to face external aggressions.

A flourishing arrival

The Mars/Pluto square from 1er to 3 July 2022 will play the agitator and the rebel. There will be electricity in the air. Beware of anger and clashes with those around you. On July 3, Mercury square Neptune will blur communication and it will sometimes be difficult to distinguish the true from the false. Mars in Taurus will soften volcanic situations, preferring to enjoy the benefits of summer rather than struggle.  On the 6th, Mercury will put his astral signature in Cancer, favoring less superficial exchanges and a willingness to understand to calm relationships. The Full Moon in Capricorn will be a good omen to look ahead. But there is no question of being a workaholic. There will be an almost urgent need to be with your family, to spend time with the little ones as well as the grown-ups and also to devote more time to your love life. When Venus enters Cancer on July 18, she will applaud with both hands this program which will suit her perfectly. On the 19th, Mercury in Leo will assert his choices and positions and will leave plenty of room for leisure and relaxation.

After a tense beginning, the Sun in Cancer will become more and more relaxed until August 22, when it will cross the sign of Leo.