
Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth stands between the Moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun. A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon that often brings culmination and endings. Eclipses often bring big life events that you long remember such as starting a business, selling or buying a house, getting engaged or divorced.  

The Total Lunar Eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and the Arctic.

People born with planets and points at 26 to 30 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn and 0 to 6 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will be more affected.

What is it all about?

The focus of this Total Lunar Eclipse is on private issues such as emotions, intimate relationships, home and family. It can bring identity crisis and complete remodeling of your goals and expectations.

This Total Eclipse in Leo revolves around creative projects, personal growth and children. Leo is about play and fun, look for what makes you feel alive and happy.

Go for your passions, play, sing, express your creativity. Overcome your shyness and use your talents.

Uranus squares the Moon.

Great opportunities for growth, but unsettling events that can shake your life. Unexpected situations, hectic people, are common manifestations of Uranus. Flexibility and adaptability are the keys for success. There is no need to fit in, express your uniqueness freely.

When a Lunar Eclipse falls in :

Your first House: there is a need for recognition and respect for who “you are”. Breaking free from restraining conditions or people.

Your second House: you need to clarify want you want to achieve financially. Forceful events urge you to say where you stand.

Your third House: listening, learning, communicating with all means. Need for connecting with brothers, sisters and neighbors.

Your fourth House: revisiting the past after a disruptive event, home and family could be hard work. Heavy responsibilities.

Your fifth House: it is time for magic and creativity. A perfect day for expressing your uniqueness through romance and art.

Your sixth House: events or circumstances might change your daily routine and your destiny. Need for healthy and spiritual food. 

Your seventh House: keep true to yourself in a partnership. Surprising announcement, a break-up or a new development.

Your eight House: get rid of a toxic dependency. Death can cross your path. Difficult time leading to less weight and burden to carry.

Your ninth House: opportunities for studying, travelling, expanding. International connections that can bring new exciting goals.

Your tenth House: career is challenged and tested. New adjustment needed or new direction. Need for leadership and action.

Your eleventh House: show your differences and eccentricity. Even if it alters some friendships and change your projects.

Your twelfth House: time for awakening. Beneficial breakthrough that makes you feel more alive and aligned.

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