Full Moon and total Lunar Eclipse

There is an Aquarius Lunar Eclipse on July 27th, so get ready for fireworks! If you’ve been postponing important changes, it’s possible that they can happen now. Mars is conjunct with the Full Moon at 5o Aquarius, watch out for anger, aggression and over-reacting. Breaking free from the past is one possible manifestation of this powerful total eclipse.

Where is the Lunar Eclipse going to hit you?

Look for the House in which Aquarius 5o is situated in your Birth Chart. It will give you an idea of what can happen in this particular sector.

If Aquarius 5o happens to be in:

– The 1st House “Be yourself”

People who can take you as you are will be the only ones you will socialize with. As you can be yourself now, your personal life will flourish. You want to move ahead and won’t let anyone interfere with your plans. But you might be defeated if you expect too much!

– The 2nd House “Security first

You have your material life under control and therefore feel more secure and confident. You should take a break and give yourself time. Even if you have ideas and new projects brewing. Don’t think you’ve got everything under control, you might be surprised and disillusioned. Power games are possible!

– The 3rd House “Deep thinking”

You are popular and want to be at every party. You are easily bored as you need stimulating people and conversations. You are curious and want to experience life fully. You create deep bonds through exchanges of ideas and won’t survive a dull relationship. Avoid asking questions and creating answers, you could be severely disappointed!

– The 4th House “Home, sweet Home”

You need a place to make you feel calm where you can withdraw when you need to. If you have improved your nest recently, you will feel relaxed and happy. But don’t expect this quiet moment to last forever, an obstacle or challenge seems inevitable. Don’t take everything personally, though!

– The 5th House “creativity is blossoming”

Art and love seem to be favored right now, doors open when you least expect it and your dreams will come true. You surely put a lot of effort into the process but don’t be arrogant, it will turn against you. You need to open up to differences and accept people as they are. Beware of an annoying set back, your self-confidence could be shaken!

– The 6th House “Enjoying your holidays”

You are good at bending over backwards to please everyone but you should think of yourself first. It is your free time, don’t stray from your plans. You should give yourself a big pat on the shoulders after doing so much for your loved ones and colleagues. Don’t expect any thanks, rewards, or recognition. Value yourself and appreciate the satisfaction of a job well done. You ‘d better enjoy your summer break without guilt, things can change, later on!

– The 7th House “Finding your Muse”

Love should be a source of inspiration right now. You might even enjoy your sentimental life if you’re sharing time with your sweet heart. It could be a time of tension though, if you’re bored or don’t feel supported. You might meet someone, out of the blue, or someone from your past could reappear. Be open to whatever comes your way!

– The 8th House “Fulfilling your needs”

You need to take full responsibility in order to have the life you wish for. You have to be clear with yourself and go for the gold  without neglecting your partner’s longings. If you are ready to walk away from a dull and unsatisfying relationship, the timing is right. Don’t postpone or give up!

– The 9th House “Feeling adventurous”

You’re craving adventure, you feel bored with your usual routine and your daily life. Differences are especially appealing at this time and anything new seems exciting. Don’t delay the holiday you deserve, even if you have to go by yourself. Go for it, you’ll love it!

– The 10th House “What comes first”

Your role in society is important, being popular and respected is your priority right now. You might have big expectations and put too much pressure on your partner. Don’t be surprised if things go wrong if the tension becomes unbearable. Make your choice and stick to your guns.

– The 11th House “Finding your tribe”

You need contact and stimulation but you don’t easily find people of the same tribe. You are original, unconventional and seem detached from earthy concerns. Therefore, you might feel lonely and isolated. You are different from the general trend and wish to be accepted and appreciated for what you really are. You can be yourself and select authentic friends but this won’t be especially easy at this time. You might be disillusioned!

– The 12th House “Take a break”

If you feel like being by yourself, don’t hesitate, your needs come first, especially if you are on holidays. Don’t delay this time off, you deserve it, you need peace and calm to regenerate. But don’t expect simplicity at the present time, there will be someone or something blocking your plans. Fill up on your responsibilities and fly away!

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