Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2019

Jupiter still positioned in your sign protects your projects and fills you with optimism, but as it retrogrades during the next following 4 months, you might feel luck has deserted you. You will be busy chasing your dreams or involved in your favorite passion. Sport is an important part of your life, you won’t compromise it. Saturn and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, and might complicate financial issues. Mercury, Venus and Neptune in Pisces, are supportive and you’ll enjoy home and family life!

Mars entering Gemini April 1st, you’d better avoid competing with your partner, as you aren’t ready to make any compromises. But don’t think you’re going to impose your laws without any opposition!

New Moon in Aries April 6th, you are full of energy and your mind is racing as if you’ve been waiting to start a new venture. Don’t rush, and keep to your guns if you wish to conclude.

Jupiter Retrogrades in Sagittarius from April 10th to August 11th, it’s time for introspection. You will see your situation and modify what doesn’t suit you any longer!

Mercury in Aries April 18th, this will boost your mind and your spirit. You’re looking to express your thoughts, quite blunt at times. Don’t rush to conclusions too fast and don’t make impulsive decisions!

Full Moon 29o Libra April 19th, as it’s the second Full Moon in this sign, you’ll go on partying and having fun with friends. You could also celebrate getting the green light for an important project.

Sun enters Taurus April 21st; your work will take a lot of your time and energy. But the conjunction Sun Uranus could bring some unexpected changes in this sector. Stay flexible, you could learn something in the process!

Venus in Aries April 21st is a great omen for your love life, you might fall in love at first sight. You might not be ready for commitment yet, don’t rush and enjoy the day. Try and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Pluto Retrogrades in Capricorn from April 24th to September 18th, you should keep away from temptation if you don’t want to spend money. Your situation could change, so you’d better save for a rainy day.

Saturn Retrogrades in Capricorn from April 30th to October 3rd, you will be more cautious with your money; you’ll look to be more responsible. Any change now, will last, take the right path!

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